Athlete's Diary

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17 Ways to Burn More Calories

Less sitting, more moving! If you’re trying to lose weight, you’ve probably started your new diet and training plan, but the progress isn’t really there yet. Truth is, there is so much to weight loss and weight management besides diet and exercise, so let’s get started! Have you heard of NEAT?

"Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy expended for everything we do that is not sleeping, eating or sports-like exercise. It ranges from the energy expended walking to work, typing, performing yard work, undertaking agricultural tasks and fidgeting."

Did you know that increasing your NEAT could be one of the key approaches to help speed up fat loss?

Our jobs seriously impact our NEAT levels. Nurses, waiters, construction workers, PT's - anyone who has a job that requires them to be on their feet all day - would have high NEAT levels. On a normal day of coaching, I could get in 9,000-11,000 steps at the gym only!

For the rest of us who spend Monday to Friday glued to our desks sending e-mails, in and out of zoom meetings, our levels of NEAT are pretty much...sad. The difference in energy expenditure between active and sedentary jobs can run into hundreds of calories. 

One hour at the gym will not make up 8-12 hours chained to our chairs (unfortunate truth). Movement is required, physical activity is key, and not just for fat loss, but also for a healthy mind and a healthy pain free body!

Here are some of the best ways to increase your NEAT without having an active job!

  1. To ease digestion, take a quick 10 minute walk before of after breakfast/lunch/dinner.

  2. Got a call? Multi-task by walking whenever you have a phone call. You can typically get about 4,500 steps from a 45 minute phone call!

  3. For fewer distractions, charge your devices in the farthest room in the house. Walk back and forth to check your messages or calls! Sounds lame, but it’s pretty awesome how many times you’d get up to check your phone!

  4. DO THE CHORES! Clean your own room, make your own bed, wash and iron your own clothes, mop the floors, scrub the toilets, D.O T.H.E W.O.R.K

  5. Simple one: Take the stairs on the way to home/work or literally anywhere!

  6. Save the environment, and your money. WALK. Walk to the grocery store, walk to work (if possible). Complete your errands on your feet, this is actually a really awesome approach to relieve some stress.

  7. If your office is way too far from home, park your car at least 5 minutes away to get a few step in. Don’t keep turning in circles to find the closest parking spot.

  8. If you take the bus, get off one stop earlier and walk the rest of the way!

  9. Create a standing desk, working while standing would make you move more.

  10. Invest in a treadmill, bike, or elliptical if you cannot walk outside. Cardio machines are not loved, but they can help get those extra steps in anytime of the day. You can Netflix & Burn rather than Netflix & Chill.

  11. If you are heading to the gym, do not take your car! Walk to the gym, it is also a great warm up!

  12. Hate walking? Go to the mall! Seriously, even if you don't need to buy anything. Walking in the mall for an hour gets you an easy 6,000 to 7,000 steps! The greatest hack.

  13. Dance, literally. Dance at home, in front of your mirror. Dancing is fun, and can burn a lot of calories. You don't have to be any good.

  14. Want to see a friend/family member? You don't need to meet at a coffee shop. Grab a coffee and go for a walk while catching up! My mum and I got way closer from all our Quarantine walks!

  15. Listen to podcasts or audiobooks while walking or stretching.

  16. Grocery Hack: Do not buy everything in bulk. This will leave you making more trips to the grocery store!

  17. Invest in a fitness watch/tracker. These things really helped me set a target for the day. You can set a calorie target, or even a steps target. Most watches even remind you to get up and move after sitting for a while!

So here you have it! 17 simple tips to increase your NEAT. If you don't have the time to walk 10K steps, don't disregard walking or moving at all. Something is still better than nothing. 

Let me clarify something real quick! NEAT activity should not be a replacement to training. Fitness is super important, and structured exercise is essential for your health. But you totally should replace a sedentary lifestyle and behaviors with NEAT activities to help boost energy expenditure and burn a little extra calories.

Got any tips? Share them in the comment box below!

PS: I walked 5,023 steps while writing this blog!

