Do you design strict meal plans?

At AD we are all about educating our clients. We want to teach you how to reach your goals while enjoying the foods that you love. Your meal plan will include meal samples, but they are just sample that fit your macros. You are not obliged to eat the meals that we include.

Do you only program for competitive athletes?

No! We program for everyone! Whether you are looking to compete in a specific sport, or want to lose or gain fat/muscle, rehab an injury, we are here to help you reach your goals. We coach people of all ages, shapes, sizes and lifestyles. Our programs are completely individualised and tailored around you and your goals!

Do you work with Vegans?

Yes! We work with all dietary preferences, just make sure you mention that in your questionnaire.

Why do I have to commit for three months (Nutrition)?

Making a sustainable change will not happen over night, a week or even a month! We believe that three months is the realistic time to understand the program, apply it, make sustainable habit and behavioural changes. Patience is key!

What if I have medical conditions?

We would love to work with you, but our coaches can not provide any medical or clinical assistance or treatment options for diabetes, hormonal problems, PCOS, etc... If you have any medical or clinical conditions, we recommend you checking in with your doctor first.

How does the 1 on 1 Nutrition Program work?

  1. First, you’ll fill out our assessment.

  2. Pair you with a coach we think will be the best for you. He or she will design a custom program based on your questionnaire. The program will include your macros, meal samples, macros/nutrient timing, a guide to weighing and measuring, and reading labels.

  3. You’ll have a formal check-in with your coach every Sunday to discuss what’s working, what’s not and what needs adjusting. You will also update your measurements!

  4. You can email your coach anytime throughout the week for further assistance. Texting is okay, but our coaches do not guarantee a response through text.

What is the difference between The Bare Minimum Programs and Individualized Training Programs?

Bare Minimum: This program consists of 3 workouts + 1 stretching session per week. The workouts are fun, quick and beginner friendly, perfect for anyone who wants to get minimal movement done! It is a group program, which means it is not individualized, however, you will have your own coach to keep you accountable and track your progress.

Individualized Program: The Individualized Training Program is tailored for you! Once you have completed your assessment, your coach will ask you to book a consultation call to get a better understand of your goals. This program is 100% individualized, and of course, you will have your own coach to keep you accountable and track your progress.

  • Both programs are sent via TrueCoach app.

  • Both programs give you access to our private Facebook Member’s Group.