Eating healthy and wholesome food does not have to be complicated, this is why we put together some of our favorite easy, simple, yet delicious recipes! You will find tons of high-protein breakfast ideas, low-carb/fat snacks, and whole meal ideas. Instructional videos are attached, you can check more out here!

Vanilla Blueberry Protein Mug Cake

New High Protein/Low Carb Mugcake Recipeโš ๏ธ

Vanilla Blueberry with Peanut Butter and Chocolate on top!๐Ÿซ

Absolutely delicious and packs up to 35g of protein with the toppings! Click to learn how to make it (and find out what the macros are!)


Apple Maple Protein Pancakes ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿฅž

Apple, cinnamon, vanilla and maple. Can you ask for a better combo? Fall inspired breakfast - delicious quick and super macro friendly.
Calories: 334
Protein: 31g
Carbs: 34g
Fat: 8g - FOR THE WHOLE THING! Yes including the toppings!