Rules For Sustainable Fat Loss the "Simple Way"
Simple? We know what you’re thinking… What about fat loss could possibly be simple? Truth is, dieting should be simple rather than complex. We know that “sustainable” does not sound as attractive as “fast, rapid, speedy, extreme” fat loss. But it’s the method that works, one that works forever.
In today’s blog, we will be outlining a few simple rules for sustainable fat loss. If you are an experienced dieter who cannot sustain fat loss results, this one is for you!
The truth is, losing the weight is not as hard as keeping the weight off. Many people pay big bucks for dieticians, personal trainers, or meal prep companies to help them lose weight. but what most people DON’T do is put in the same effort in the maintenance plan post dieting. The maintenance phase is the most important part about the whole journey. It is actually the phase where you would need more help and coaching.
So how exactly can we lose fat and keep it off?
Let’s get started!
RULE #1: Avoid Crash Dieting
A crash diet is a diet that is undertaken through an extreme and rapid approach with the goal of reaching results ASAP. We say NO to crash diets because they are shortcuts that can negatively effect your metabolism.
Crash diets also result in weight gain post diet, loss of muscle, deprive your body of essential nutrients, weaken your immune system, mess up your menstruation cycle…. and literally sucks you into this never ending yo-yo diet cycle. A cycle that negatively impacts your relationship with food, dieting, confidence and your body image. Shortcuts are never a good idea.
RULE #2: Take Diet Breaks
If you have been dieting forever (AKA been on deficit calories for months, or even years) and still haven’t reached your target, it might be time to take a diet break. This doesn’t necessarily mean go on a week or months all out binge. A diet break, or reverse dieting, is a great approach that helps you restore your body’s metabolism by slowly and strategically increasing your caloric intake. Once your metabolism is restored, future dieting will be way easier. The truth is, you cannot be in a caloric deficit forever! You can read more about reverse dieting over here!
RULE #3: Lift Weights
YESSS. Men and WOMEN should lift weights if the goal is sustainable fat loss, and … looking f"*king good! There are numerous reasons to why lifting weights is essential for fat loss. One of the many reasons being, a faster metabolism.
It is true, the more muscle you build the faster your metabolism, meaning the more calories you burn → Hello fat loss!
Lifting weights is typically more effective than cardio at increasing the number of calories you burn post workout (Resting metabolism).
RULE #4: Sleep Is Your Best Friend
We cannot write enough about how important sleep is for fat loss, and mainly, recovery. Poor sleep leads to an increase in Ghrelin and a decrease in Leptin, which can result in increased hunger and appetite, mainly sugar cravings. Do not underestimate the power of a good’s night sleep. So how much sleep you really need? There are numerous studies with different answers, but we typically like to go by feel. If you feel rested and fully recovered at 7/8 hours, then make sure you get your 7/8 hours! We strongly advise you to sleep more than 6 hours, anything under 6 could be detrimental to your overall health.
Ghrelin: Known as the hunger hormone
Leptin: Helps regulate and alter long-term food intake and energy expenditure.
RULE #5: Eat Sufficient Protein
Eat your protein! Tracking calories is super important for fat loss, but not as important as tracking your macros. Protein is the single most important nutrient for fat loss, and honestly, a stronger looking body.
A diet sufficient in protein boosts metabolism, reduces appetite, and increases strength and muscle mass. Aim for ±0.8g to 1.2g/lb bodyweight. The exact number depends on individual factors. If you want to learn more about how many grams of protein you need, or what your overall caloric intake should be, feel free to talk to us!
RULE #6: Track Your Food
Be aware of how much you eat, because most of the time, you are probably underestimating your calories. Sneaky calories are everywhere, they sneak up on you and sabotage your results without you realizing.
Tracking your diet should not be associated with strict dieting, you can still eat flexibly while tracking your macros! In fact, we preach the flexible dieting approach because it is a sustainable method for long term fat loss success, health and happiness.
We like to use MyFitnessPal, or even a diary to keep track of our food log, macros and calories.
RULE #7: Education is Power
The last and most important rule. Educate yourself about nutrition, be patient and consistent. Educating yourself about nutrition will improve your habits and help you avoid falling into another crash dieting cycle! Education and knowledge is key, and once you take the time to learn the science behind your approach, long term success is guaranteed.
You don’t have to be extreme, just be consistent, patient and willing to learn.
““Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.””