How To Lose Fat Forever.


I set out to write a blog post about fat loss, a topic that has been done so many times, I could sum up the post with one sentence.

“Fat loss = caloric deficit blah blah you need to be in reduced caloric intake to lose fat the healthy way etc.”

No fat burners, no crash dieting.

Count your calories and macros and track them yada yada.

It’s all true. But it just sounds like a broken record. At the end of the day caloric deficit isn’t a way to lose weight or lose fat… it’s just maths. It’s numbers. It’s a tool.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way let me tell you something more important than caloric deficit and way greater.

Something so GRAND you’re going to want it so bad. You’re going to want it now!

Ready? Here it goes.

A paradigm shift.

A paradigm shift so major it’ll shake you to your core.

A ”FUCK IT” event that is going to have you feeling incredible! Because whenever you’re changing your lifestyle, it’s the equivalent of quitting a shitty job with an asshole boss. It’s you slamming the door behind you and feeling super empowered and excited for the future. It’s you changing your lifestyle.

You see changing a lifestyle is like rebirth. You’re telling yourself you’re done with past behaviours and you’re ready for new ones. Not only are you ready, you’re already doing the new changes. In your head, you’re already the NEW YOU.

When you see snakes shedding their skin and emerging with a lustrous spanking new one you can’t help but think “wow this snake is now a new snake, it must be feeling amazing.”

But the difference between humans and snakes is that the snake will still continue to be the same snake. Whereas humans, we tend to become positively charged with change. It does something to us. It tells us a different story about ourselves, and it empowers us. It tells us that we have the power to change and mould ourselves into whatever the hell we want.

A snake remains a snake. But you, can be a new you.

When you shed your old skin, not only do you get better body composition as a benefit (whether you’re eating less or not) you’ll also get clearer and happier mentally. You start being more organized and disciplined. You start valuing your time more. You start meeting new people, and overall become that happy person everyone else envies (or dislikes depending on your environment - if this is you, change your environment first!)

You might start saying yes to more plans.

More hikes, more walks, more trying new things, more activity, and more exercise.

You will start saying no to other plans as well.

No to hours of daily TV, no to drunken nights out consuming liters of alcohol, no to staying up late, no to daily binges, and no to toxic behaviour, and relationships.

So how does this happen?

How do you start?

How does the paradigm shift happen?

Which one comes first? The caloric deficit or the lifestyle change?

Will being on a caloric deficit change my lifestyle? Or will changing my lifestyle put me in a caloric deficit.

The answer is whenever the “FUCK IT” event happens.

And it’s going to happen on its own because it’s a mindset shift. It’s an inevitable moment.

It’s you climbing the stairs and gasping for breath.

It’s you catching yourself with food crumbs after a 5 hour Netflix binge, 4000 calories in.

It’s you being unable to play with your kids. Not wanting to go on a jog with your friends. Not being able to run. Not being able to stretch without pain.

It’s you wanting to carry your groceries all in one go and being too weak to do so.

That’s when the FUCK IT event happens.

And when it does. Oh you’re going to FUCKING love it.  It’s like an epiphany and it’ll give you a high that’ll last your entire lifetime. It’s unmistakable.

 With that being said, are there ways you could try to trigger or provoke the “FUCK IT” event to happen sooner?


You could educate yourself on nutrition.

You could try to “clean up” your diet.

You could try to walk daily.

You could try going on hikes.

You could learn how to cook or “clean up” your ingredients list.

You could start exercising or increase your exercise frequency/intensity/time.

You could start reading about health topics.

You could join groups of likeminded people .

If you find yourself enjoying the new subtle changes, try to make one or two of them permanent.

Don’t try to go for the whole thing without a real event. A “FUCK IT” event forces the changes, but it has to come naturally.

If you’re subtly trying to force it, I advise you to start with one or two changes at a time. Make them stick, then move on and add/subtract what you like, and dislike.

The moment you’re waiting for will come. You’ll change for the better. And if you don’t want to wait around for it you can start implementing small changes until it does. 

Change is a part of life. It’s part of nature. Change is all around us.

You will change.

And when you finally say “FUCK IT”, you won’t “try” to change…


P.S We all could use help changing our lifestyle and triggering a FUCK IT event.

Click here and fill out an assessment and we’ll give you a FREE consultation call to discuss what kind of changes you could start implementing to help you find your FUCK IT moment.

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