How I Became More Confident Than Ever

Before I started Weightlifting (7 years ago), I struggled a little with body image and the number on the scale. I felt and looked heavier than my friends, I also genetically had lots of muscle. So I tried to get rid of it by doing extensive cardio and eat in a caloric deficit all year long. I would go to the gym during dead hours, find my little corner to train in, and make sure I never walk into the “weights room”. What a nightmare.

What was surprising was that none of that worked. I never lost body fat. I never felt better about myself. I never eventually ate what I wanted to eat. I was stuck in this never ending cycle. I just wanted to feel good about myself and the way I looked.

I knew I had to change something. Fast forward, a year later, my life changed forever.

I deadlifted 70kg, squatted 60kg, and benched 30kg after my first ever weight training session. I was 17. I realized I was strong. I also realized that I was trying too hard to be someone I wasn’t. I was trying to be small, petite, feminine. I was trying to look like what people wanted me to look like. But it’s not who I am.

I am a thick female, I weigh 63kg, 158cm tall, I lift heavy weights… AND I LOVE IT.

I finally found something I enjoyed, something I was good at, something that appreciated my body, size and strength. That gave me CONFIDENCE. Wow, how can something so simple change my life in every different aspect, in and outside the gym?

The key to living a happy and successful life is confidence. But before confidence comes acceptance. Accepting who you are, how you look, what you do, who you love and how you behave gives you confidence.

I found myself in weight-lifting. It changed me from being a shy-ish kid who always wanted to go last in school presentations, to a strong and confident woman who enjoys the adventures of life.

Confidence helped me overcome body image issues.

Confidence helped me become more social and outgoing.

Confidence helped me deal with tough situations.

Confidence helped me stop comparing myself to others.

Confidence helped me change my perspective on health, nutrition and fitness.

Confidence helped me win 3 National Weightlifting Championships and Fittest in Lebanon twice.

And the best one, confidence helped me make other people confident. And nothing can be more rewarding than that.

So my advice, do not be afraid of pursuing what you love, even if what you love is not appreciated by society.

Nadine 🌻